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Friendly weight loss competition ideas - friendly weight loss tournament ideas

01-02-2017 à 08:44:00
Friendly weight loss competition ideas
I know that fat was replaced with muscle. I admit I was skeptical at first, not sure if I wanted to blindly pay so much money to start the program. I feel so much better about myself and how I look. For the first time in my life I feel like I finally have more energy. When I stumble Amy is there to pick me back up. I feel like I am doing something that not only has an effect on me now, but will continue to help me better myself for my future. 6 inches from my waist, and 2. You can change your body and your health, you can have the confidence and the body that you want. I am truly grateful that I stumbled on your site when searching the internet one day. My motivation has probably been one of the biggest areas of change, before my motivation was to lose weight and as soon as the scale stopped moving I gave up, now my motivation is to improve me health and well being. What I loved about the DAMY program was that although it was a big lifestyle change there was only one thing I had to do. I feel it is extremely important to try to put words to the fact that my physical transformation is sincerely only 40% of my results. Once the diagnosis came, I was ordered out of the gym for 3 months. See you next week on Weight Loss Wednesday. There are lots of great meal ideas and tips. I completely changed my body in only 12 weeks. Secondly, I had recently gotten engaged and knew that I wanted to look and feel stunning on my wedding day. And there are SO many varieties and things you can swap in and out to keep it new and exciting. I felt like crap all the time, I was in a brain fog and sluggish. For years I had an obsession with the scale. I have about another 30-50 pounds to go, but I know that I can get there with your program. I am amazed at the results achieved, since I am almost 40 and have three children ages 3, 5 and 8. I can not be more thrilled with this program. I LOVE a company that promotes natural, healthy eating and lifestyle. DAMY taught me a lot in terms of how to break up my workouts and how to provide my body with the proper nutrition. Reading through the site it was clear the program embodied a focus on physical and emotional health as well as a diet designed to fuel (not deplete) your body. I generally followed the clean eating rule of thumb and overall had what I considered a healthy lifestyle. I finally have become someone who wakes up everyday feeling healthy, balanced, energized, and determined to be the best person I can be. My friend had been following Amy on her Facebook page. In terms of mental changes, before the BBEC I was so hard on myself and had such a negative attitude and would almost get into a depressed state about my weight and how far I had let things go, but now I am so pleased with my accomplishments and feel 100% better about my body. Now I plan ahead to make sure I have a healthy option available to me. Nor did I feel that I did not look beautiful. I never once felt confused or stranded on DAMY, I always knew that if i was confused or had questions I had someone there to ask. I followed Amy and the DAMY Health blog for about 3 months. Since beginning the DAMY program, I have done biking races and even in my every day running, I notice that I am faster, stronger and endure longer. I have always been very into exercising but my diet left a lot to be desired. DAMY has really helped me get back on track with my fitness goals, and re-kindled my passion for organic, healthy food by inspiring me with new and exciting ideas via the vast recipe library. Prior to starting this program I thought I was content to be a larger size forever. I believe this was the best part of my weight loss journey. More than all of this though, I finally regained the self-confidence I had lost the past 3 years. I knew if I got stuck my answer was one email away. Not terrible, but not what I wanted to be. I cut out breads and dairy (with the exception of eggs) completely from Day 1 of the program and felt like a completely different person. I feel that I have the power to choose to be the best person I can be and have the confidence to reach for my goals without fear. I am still amazed at how much my body changed and how much I accomplished in three short months on the Bikini Body Program. I have learned so much over the past 12 weeks about nutrition, fitness and myself. Definately my self esteem and my energy level. I have soooooo much more energy and excitement and truely enjoy working out and taking care of my body. Having a good outlook on life can be a very powerful thing. But, health comes first and so I diligently (yet begrudgingly at first) obeyed. This program taught me to make the right meal choices for the time of day and showed me the correct portion size that I should be eating. Well, it actually happened at the gym (and apparently it is not super uncommon in young, healthy individuals who are very physically active-so I found). Her daily emails and facebook posts have kept me motivated. I want to be a fit and beautiful mom and sexy wife and set a healthy example for my precious daughters. And the support network is so incredible there is so much love, passion and truth radiating from DAMY and the work that Amy does. I do the weight exercises later in the day, which takes me 20-30 min. Ashley October 19, 2013 at 8:54 AM (3 years ago). The exercise plan is easy to do at home and realistic. I maintained a low BMI and thought I was doing quite well. Despite loving the approach and the support, I had put so much pressure on myself to succeed that I panicked whenever I succumbed to a craving, missed a workout or had a bad check-in. Please feel free to get in touch with me in the comments section. DAMY is the whole package not just a quick fix it covers nutrition, fitness, wellbeing, lifestyle, spirituality, and encourages you to be your best self. I feel energized throughout the day and rarely feel sluggish in the afternoon. You can do anything in that amount of time. And another huge thing was that Amy was there all the time for motivation, support, to tweak your program and eating so it fit you, and answer your questions. I like that cardio varies between 30-45 minutes, but always under 1 hour. But, I make the time and then choose to just do the workouts and follow the eating plan. Another thing is because of DAMY I have been trying to cut out meat. I am not sure how I fell upon your blog, but I am so glad I did. On February 17th I also found out that I landed my dream job ). The main thing that drew me to this program was that I could do all the fitness exercises at home with the limited equipment that I had. Coach Amy is very helpful and was always willing to help tweek my program for my injuries and other reasons I needed any modifications. I sent Amy a message stating the above and asking what she recommended. The workouts were easy for me to do with my friends and they could even be moderated to do with anyone who wanted to tag along that day. I signed up for the DAMY Method Program. I did not have a lot of weight to lose but more importantly I had a lot of areas that I wanted tightened and toned. I signed up for DAMY Health Bikini Body Program with my start date on May 1st. My mental clarity is still coming back as I still have some baby brain moments. I appreciate, honor her and wish her continued success as this program reaches many, many more. I was very nervous about starting the program because I did not think there would be any accountability for me to stick to my plan. Thank you DAMY for helping me help myself. She taught me to achieve excellence in everything you do in life, pursue every challenge and overcome any obstacle with courage, zeal, and an unwavering spirit. I found that blog post and it really sat with me so that day I went home and threw out every diet book I owned and decided I needed to change my life for good starting with the inside. I woke up feeling a 110% almost everyday. One exercise that I really recommend is to make a list of every single thing you are looking forward to when you reach your goal weight. Amy is definitely there for you if you need anything, and she is really good at answering questions that you have. I enjoy waking up at 5 AM to go to the gym, it is really something I look forward to. But more than that, I found the continuous positivity from Amy, whether through daily motivational emails or her enthusiastic responses to my weekly check-ins and pictures, really empowered me. DAMY is something that has changed my life, the way I cook, the way I eat, and the way I think about myself. You can live DAMY everyday no matter how busy you are in your life. When I found the DAMY program it caught my attention because it embodied a healthy lifestyle and not a silly tag line strictly about weight loss. Even as a vegetarian, I was completely impressed with the food options and the variety. My goal for the BBEC (and Bikini Body Program) was to be lean, toned, and 125 pounds. But not me, knowing my history I had to be careful. Amy was always available for me throughout the 12 week program and would respond to all my questions, concerns and thoughts. For the first time in my life I feel like a woman should. My entire family to my husband, kids, parents and sisters are on this plan. I was driving myself crazy day in and day out logging caloric intake and burn. The best part about it, I got a new wardrobe. She has helped me to be more kind and patient with myself through this difficult time, and it has truly meant so much to me. A back surgery sidelined me from exercising for four months. It has been easy to prepare meals for myself and my family. My wedding dress fit like a dream and the confidence I felt wearing it was the greatest wedding gift of all. I now know what I am capable of and that I can do anything. When I first started, the numbers were not really changing on the scale so much. What drew me to her program initially was that we are the same height and I saw her results and read about her fitness journey and was immediately inspired to be apart of the program. Check for a full product review by Money Saving Parent here. Amy Layne, I must say, is an angel walking among us. I kept seeing results even without working out. I was pretty bummed about that one especially because I had finally plucked up the courage to try a fitness competition in April with my two pals Kimi and Nikki. I am not the greatest self motivator, but being with DAMY has been such a big support for me in this area. Whenever someone asks me for a recipe I tell them to check out DAMY, everyone I know actually knows what the DAMY program is because I cant stop talking about it. For some reason it was always this mysterious appliance stored in the back of a cupboard and I never used it, just seemed like a hassle. To give you easy access to all the resources you need to succeed. 5 inches from my bust, 3. Everyday I say, today is going to be a good day. My children are offered many different kinds of vegetables each day. You can see from her testimonial that she has walked in the shoes of women like myself. My energy definitely changed just from eating the right foods and really opened my eyes to a whole new way of living. The blogs, the daily motivation, the yummy recipes, the testimonials, the emails, and of course, the accountability. I am sure you are thinking the same thing I was-how could a healthy, young, non-smoker (who is not on any medications) have a stroke. Organization is really important to your weight loss success, believe it or not. I knew I was unhealthy, I knew that, given my family history, allowing myself to go down that road was dangerous, but it all seemed too big, and too hard, to control. People are saying my eyes are shining more. There were times where I wanted to give up, but I pushed on knowing what my goal was and I persevered. I really think God was looking out for me when I was searching for help. I started DAMY Health for the first time in March, 2012. I am wearing clothes now that I could not fit into until I was under 180 pounds. It is just like having a personal trainer and nutritionist with you all the time. We really do not need all the garbage we put into our food and bodies to make it taste good. I loved the program and was aiming to win BBEC. I know it is her job to care, but she does it with passion and conviction which cannot be forced. When I got on schedule the weight seemed to melt right off. I truly believe this is what will always set DAMY Health apart. DAMY has helped me look at life with an energetic positive outlook. Such a light and filled with joy and love. There were several reasons why I was looking for a new health program. I finally live each day to the fullest and have learned to enjoy eating and exercising. People at the gym notice how hard I train and compliment me for motivating them to push harder, even some of the men. Looking back, I wish I had joined for the nutritional aspect because diet is so important to health maintenance. I like how it starts off less intense and becomes more intense as you gain strength and confidence. I am actually physically on an athletic level (I never played a sport and barely moved in my younger years). I looked Amy up and signed up to her website and a month or so later I had an email saying I had won a Month Free DAMY Program I was so incredibly grateful, so I decided this was meant to be and embraced it. One of these goals was to lose the nearly 20 lbs that I had packed on while working my previous job, as well as gain muscle and lose body fat percent. I started with DAMY weighing 135lbs (size 4) and was in the lean down stage. Even with my food allergies, I was able to feel strong and nourished with the menu plan outlined. My goal during this program was not really for weight loss, but rather improvement of overall health. I have to have someone there to cheer me on, support me in hard times and tell me the truth when not following the plan. I am allergic to eggs, dairy, red meat, gluten and chocolate. Cue a low-carb extreme diet, in which I replaced 2 meals a day with shakes. The workouts were challenging enough so that I was able to complete them, but still felt as though I was being pushed. I loved all the recipe ideas and how I learned ways to make treats out of natural ingredients. I have mentally broken through the barrier that I used to have which would make me feel guilty and bad about myself after eating something not healthy. I had been active my whole life, recently ran a half marathon and was very happy with my conditioning. My favourite treats are the Chocolate Ganache cookie dough squares, the icy square chocolates and the maple pecan ice cream. Thank you for all you continued support and inspiration. It allowed me a flexible diet and made me learn more about nutrition and a well-balanced diet. Finding a routine that works for you takes time, so does finding the balance between going easy on yourself and kicking yourself in the butt. No one that I knew would have said I needed to lose weight. It felt like I was carrying a ton of bricks on my back. I am looking forward to continuing this plan forever. I have experienced TONS of benefits from DAMY. I learned through Amy that the scale was not the best indicator of my progress, but the pictures were my go-to. I started with the 12 Week Bikini Body program. I would recommend DAMY to anyone, any day, any time, without hesitation or reservation. I feel proud of myself and finally feel truly happy. I am ecstatic with the change I have seen in my physique as well as my energy levels. In addition to the mental benefits that come with being on DAMY I have also learned how to be aware of my body, aware of the foods I eat, and I now understand why I WANT to eat clean and cook healthy meals. Reading them again has truly proven to me that I have definitely accomplished my goal. Amy has been very supportive and a positive role in my journey to wellness and health. I knew I loved the DAMY approach right away. I have learned so much with holistic nutrition and exercise. 8lbs, but not only did I achieve the number I had wanted, I was able to lose 2. I know that fat was replaced with muscle. There were days where I would eat even if I was not hungry because I had not taken in enough calories. I needed to take stomach pills on a regular basis, everything hurt. I wanted to try her program after reading her own success story. I believe firmly in whole, local and organic foods but had given up portion control and exercise. It near took all my breath to climb the stairs at work. DAMY got me into a really good routine and got me back into the gym. Finally one day, I was browsing Facebook and came across a recipe that my friend had posted from the DAMY Health website. I went from a size 2-3 to a size 0 in pants. Not to mention, that Amy is there to celebrate your success with you every step of the way. Being a part of DAMY has become part of my life. Finally, I knew that I had to join DAMY Health. Good grief. The extensive support from Amy, the workouts, the food, the fact that I have a choice. I have my diet plan in my binder with me at all times. Amy wrote back right away and asked me to trust the madness in her plan. I only lost about 5 pounds but I gained so much muscle. It made me love eating healthy (I used to HATE veggies) and love gym workouts (I was always an athlete and never needed a gym since I just played the sports and was in great shape). I have an abundance of energy from the time I wake up in the morning to the time I decide to go to bed. To keep you motivated and focused on your goals. She is soooo dedicated to helping her clients achieve their goals and is willing to put alot of her time in to us. I was not happy with the way I looked and wanted to get back into shape. During that time I was a Division I collegiate rower, we got 4th in the nation my senior year. As soon as I adjusted my food to the DAMY program, boom. After the program was over, I literally had to go and replace every single item of clothing I owned, since nothing fit me anymore. I never felt hungry and my body stopped craving the junk and started craving the natural foods. My one regret is not doing any measurements on myself. I hope that people reading my story realize that treating yourself with kindness and patience is incredibly important in transforming yourself. Needless to say life was busy but I was determined to get my body back. It was more about toning up for me and I see a difference in this area for sure. I can feel myself getting stronger and smaller — but these things DO take time. You know what best to put in there to keep you inspired, motivated, and on track. I would get down and upset with myself about the way I looked and I would wish I was smaller. I was ready to lose the weight, no excuses. My arms and tummy are much more toned and defined, which I never thought I could do after having three children. I love the menu options, the on-line support from Amy and the community boards. I wake up excited for every day and have a passion for life that is intangible. DAMY helped me reach my goals and gave me a healthier lifestyle, making me a better wife and mother. This was supposed to be the trick in toning and helping me to lose a few pounds. Not only has my appearance changed with DAMY, but my endurance has as well. I started at 26. It is so great to have another friend there to cheer you on but also keep you in check. In my weight loss binder, I also have my food diary section. I began to work on life goals one at a time, crossing each off the list as I went. My goal during the BBEC (Bikini Body Program) was to weigh 125lbs, get more toned and have abs and be confident with my body. Her clients are important to her, and she gives them everything. I started at 159 lbs and now weigh 139 lbs. 9 inches from my hips, and I also gained much more muscle tone than I had ever had. I am stronger, leaner, and more toned than I have ever been in my whole life. I actually lost a bit of weight and even toned up more on the last 4 weeks (bonus). I knew if I was going to become healthy, my diet needed to change. Amy is incredible and I love her holistic approach. 5 hours minimum 6 days a week. First, I had always been an athlete (playing varsity volleyball through university) and loved fitness but had fallen into a rut working full-time. When I began my search to find a program that balanced all three (food, fitness and support) I came across DAMY Health. My skin was soft and glowing all the time. I lost 12 lbs (size 2 is now loose) but the biggest difference was how much I had leaned down. It just felt like the right adjustments to my lifestyle. I have always been heavy and have known that I look heavy, but never did I not feel beautiful. I had found damyhealth prior to my surgery but knew that I would not be able to complete the exercise regimen during my recovery. I went down 2 pant sizes, losing 2 inches in my hips. I wanted to stop avoiding places, people, and pictures. Clean eating is my lifestyle and hard core training is what makes me happy. I felt like it was a program that was going to allow me enough time to really get into healthy eating habits that I could continue for life and was going to challenge me. I am now 14 weeks pregnant, the sickness is clearing, and I am back on DAMY, with the only changes being a larger meal 4 and an added serving of carbs for dinner. And I have the energy level I had 20 years ago. I felt out of control and desperate, and somehow something clicked: these crash or extreme diets were not working. I am not hungry in between meals because I am giving my body something that sustains me until the next meal. I was afraid to show my face in the local gym where I had formerly been a regular. She asked me to check it out and it seemed interesting. I feel younger, my hair is thicker, my skin is glowing. I think it is a familiar story: trying every diet under the sun, but worse: getting addicted to quick fixes. After the initial drop in weight, my number plateaued, but I continued to notice changes in body composition. What I had attributed to aging was really my bad eating. Prior to that I was in the best shape of my life (until now). I had put 20lbs back on in a two year period. Also, my energy levels have increased dramatically, especially when I chase after my three children ages 8 and under. It really is remarkable how Amy has fine tuned her program to suit the needs of so many different people. Coming to DAMY with a good understanding of clean eating, and with a very active lifestyle, I knew pretty well what I was getting into. DAMY helped me to re-ignite my passion for working out and for being healthy.

I noticed my weight loss results in my appearance the most. Feel better within days and see results within a couple weeks. I lost 9. Before surgery, I was exercising regularly and was eating many of the same foods on plan, but was eating them at the wrong time of the day which stalled my results. I seriously could have taken pictures for 2 hours because I felt so confident in my own skin and have never had that feeling before. I feel determined and motivated to finally accomplish an even greater goal that I have always wanted to accomplish but havent signed myself up for which is competing in a fitnes competition. The pounds never mattered that much to me though. I feel like she has a personal investment in me and she really does care. I love the weekly check-ins, they keep me on track and accountable. But the first week I lost 4 pounds and had some great workouts without being sore or unable to move. I was so happy I took pictures every week. Let me say: I am a Scientist working (broadly) in the area of nutrition. The recipe variation is good and the desserts are simply amazing. I have now since worked with DAMY for nearly two years and in that time I have not only changed physically, emotionally, and mentally but I have achieved so much I have gone on holiday confidently in a bikini, I have run 3 fun runs, fit in to an amazing dress for my friends wedding, learned to meditate, love myself, become a personal trainer and quit a job I hated. I had finally paid off a lot of debt and was ready to face my fears and chase my dreams. I have lost a total of 11 lbs since the beginning of the Bikini Body Program, but some of it has definitely been due to the fact that I have not been able to workout. I can get down on the floor and play with my little girl and get back up with no popping hips. I had heard how awesome it was from a friend who had done it and had lost 75lbs. I combined clean eating with my high intensity workout regimen and the inches just start to melt away. I was pleasantly surprised by the personalized emails returned to me weekly. I know that I am leaner and healthier than I have ever been when I weighed the same many years ago. I have become more creative with cooking and have been able to make substitutes for most of my favorite foods. As hard as it is getting out of bed, once and I do it I feel fabulous. She knows how much hard work and dedication it takes to transform your lifestyle. Whenever she made changes she would follow up for 3 days to see how they worked. It was simple enough for anybody to follow but also exciting enough to not get tired of it. My body has changed immensely, but I think the more important changes are in my life, I now am routinely going to the gym 6 days a week and am getting into the best shape of my life. I did retain my healthy habits though: exercising where I could, making healthier choices, enjoying less healthy choices without guilt when they were the only option, never binging, never starving. All 3 play such an important role in terms of emotional, physical and spiritual wellness. I followed the nutrition program to the best of my ability and started going to the gym at their earliest and least busy times where I could be free of perceived judgment and do my weight workouts. Before I met Amy I struggled to lose 26 lbs. I have lost weight, I have lost inches, I have lost fat. Another thing I am loving is the homemade Lara Bars. I liked the recipes she was creating and offering. DAMY is not a diet nor is it a short term fix. I wanted to wear shorts and buy a full bikini set for the first time in 13 years. I signed up to the 12-week best body ever challenge (BBEC) on the bikini plan. I have gained so many benefits from this program. What makes it easier for me, is again, noting how much BETTER I FEEL every day now than I did five weeks ago. I have completed the Bikini Body Program and I feel healthier than ever. My weight has been a constant battle for years. I have no more night sweats or potassium issues. One day I clicked on the DAMY Health link on a friends Facebook wall. Home worked really well, but now I need some heavier weights. I feel like a new person with a new outlook on myself and on my life. I lost my gut and my arms and legs are now toned and defined. My clothes all fit me again and some are even too big. To start, I had a 8-year history of bulimia (on and off for periods of up to 2 years) but even when that was under control, I had no idea how to look after my body. When I first started the program, I found that it was easy for me to adjust to the nutritional program since I was eating healthy before surgery. The meals and exercise programs tell you exactly what you need to do and then you have Amy holding you accountable too. I just really, really wanted to finish what I started and finally get that cut stomach. Not only did I not believe that I could do it, I never loved myself enough to be proud to walk onto a stage in a tiny bikini. I came to DAMY an emotional and physical wreck. I did have to go out and buy new jeans and pants though. 8 lbs with the program in just 12 weeks. I now know that I do not have to accept that reality. Despite all this I could not for the life of me lose the 10 lbs I wanted to drop to get the cut look I was dying for. I never had to worry what I was going to do at the gym that day, and having something specific that I was meant to do really pushed me to go and get it done. Amy was wonderful: she encouraged me every week without fail, and utterly personalized the program. My body is naturally curvier, and I thought that because of that, I could never be toned or have a tight stomach. Without this program I would have lost the battle. I have never felt this good (that I can remember). About a year ago, I quit my job, gave up my lease, and began to pursue the passions in life that I really wanted to pursue. When I felt overwhelmed or frustrated, I would just tell myself to follow the program. Throughout all these different fitness and weight loss programs that I did, the one thing that they never taught me, the one thing that is so blaringly obvious to me now, is that so much depends on the food, the times you eat, and the portions. I was discouraged with myself and had lost motivation to get myself back on track. Thank you Amy for all of your words of wisdom and encouragement. I joined the Lifestyle Program to make sure I could stay connected with Amy, her wonderful recipes and her encouragement. Thank you for being a friend, a coach, a confidant, and a true inspiration. In addition to the weight loss, I dropped 4 inches from my bust, 4 inches from my waist, 5 inches from my hips and 3 dress sizes. I ate on plan and added the superset options, kick it up options, heavy weights and also simultaneously followed her half marathon advanced program. I am in my early 40s and started putting on weight in my mid-to-late 30s. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me conquer this battle. Splurge on a nice binder that makes you happy just by looking at it. You have no idea how many people at work ask me about your program. Follow this plan and its simple principles and you are guaranteed success. I still struggle but seeing the inches come off and the weight go down I am motivated to see it thru to the very end. Since completing the Bikini Body program and carrying on by myself for a month now, I really sense an improvement in my energy and self esteem. Coach Amy Layne is an amazing person, she responds individually to each of our weekly check-ins and is always so eager and enthusiastic and genuinely cares for each of our goals and achievements. DAMY has helped me in every area of my life, I originally signed up for weight loss, but soon discovered it was far from my priority, being healthy, feeling vibrant and strong in my own body, and also discovering my energy and zest for life after years of depression have been the best gift to me and my family. Daily motivation everyday in emails and facebook and if something is not working for you or need something tweaked Amy supports it and helps you find a way to make it suit. I could not have gotten this far without you. Being a short women, I actually feel like I am standing taller and straighter. I used to crash every day in the afternoon, and I was always tired. Nothing compares to feeling physically strong and emotionally fulfilled, and DAMY definitely helped me to get there. 5 inches from my hips, bust and waist. I started looking forward to my 5:30 am workouts and stopped going begrudgingly. I also crave the protein pancakes and have begun making them for my hubby each morning. The DAMY Health Bikini Body Program has been a real eye-opener for me and exposed many unhealthy eating habits. I recommend DAMY to anyone who is ready, willing and dedicated for a real change in their life. It was a gradual build up in diet and excercise (not like many programs out there that you start intense from day 1 and want to quit by day 3), I loved the exercise programs, I always have struggled with my legs and I loved how the workouts tightened my thighs and bum. The right foods and the right exercise has made me a happier and more energized person. Having the weekly check-in also helped to keep my accountable for my goals, which I think was an extremely important aspect of my success. My self confidence and the smile that I wear everyday definitely outweighs any number I see on a scale. A passion for helping others and seeing them succeed in their goals. I found a new love for working out and my body and am amazed at its capabilities. I am so proud of myself for being able to complete this challenge and to actually stick with it, (seeing improvements and weight coming off each week made it easier to stick with it tho:)). I lost a total of 10. And my third favorite thing I love about DAMY health is the daily little motivation emails you send us, sometimes they come at just the right time:). You are the best and I am so thankful for you. You get to check in every week and they always respond quickly to any questions or help you need. I recommend it to so many people who feel they are stuck in a rut and need something fresh. After surgery, I was not eating healthy and was not able to exercise. The biggest thing that sets DAMY apart is YOU. Another huge help to my weight loss plan and efforts is my UP by Jawbone activity tracker and app. I went from severe breakouts, mood swings, feeling that there was always a cloud over me, major PMS, and an overall negative attitude to living my dream life. I have always struggled with my weight and my body image and to be at a weight where I am happy and proud is my ultimate goal. DAMY alleviates that stress and lets you focus on eating clean, healthy food without the guilt. I used to eat for no reason and everything I ate was sugary crap. I was tired of existing, I wanted to LIVE. The confidence, the comfort in my own skin, and the joy that comes with having a healthy body and mind. The constant support is so very worth it. I clicked into the site and I started browsing around. Sticking with the program for 12 weeks really started a pattern for me and I love it. I loved that this was the kind of program I could do with my friends. The first twenty pounds came off so quickly that I just have to remember to stay as determined as possible and not get frustrated when the scale is slow to budge. It presents the data with pretty, visually appealing charts. I got mine at Target and absolutely love it. I started it the day I came back from the UK (mid-September 2011). I got within 1 pound of my goal and I am lean, toned, and stronger than I have ever been in my life. I had been following Amy on Facebook and really liked the recipes and ideas she was posting. The first week was a bit overwhelming but Amy was there to help me every step of the way. I laid still to catch my breath and my dog came over to sniff me to make sure I was still alive. I was looking longer, leaner and more defined each week. I would come home from work, workout, eat dinner and fall asleep on the couch by 8pm. I love everything I have been blessed by through DAMY. What I love about the program is that Amy was always very approachable and willing to help. I was REALLY lucky in that I did not have any side effects like paralysis or weakness on either side, and I thank God that I am ok. Eating healthy can be so fantastic and enjoyable. Amy has been there every step of the way. I did not want to disappoint myself or my coach by not following the plan. I also wanted to see if I had really learned one final thing: how to enjoy the party season, and the meals, and the pot lucks, in a healthful way: for mind and body. The end of sluggish lethargy and unhappy shopping trips. I loved experimenting with the recipes and am still amazed at how creative and delicious many of them are. I loved that Amy was so supportive along the way, giving encouragement and that extra little push to kick it up a notch. In less than four months I lost what took two years to put on. I hate it when people ask what diet are you on. They were raving about the results they were getting from the BBEC and I wanted in. I will recommend Amy and her programs 100% to any one who is ready to see their life turn around. I want to thank you for all you have done for me. The message the program embodies is invaluable and I know the food and workout set up helped me immensely, but the continual motivational support really pushed me and helped when I needed it. At the end of the BBEC period (Jan 1st 2012) I was so happy with my body and mind. The only thing that happened was I had some funny blurriness in my vision once in a while, and I had severe headaches. I then was able to try some recipes and was instantly in love. It was the perfect meal plan that I was looking for: a wide range of healthy fruits, vegetables and protein in generous portions. Although, I only ever lost around 5 lbs because I grew muscles, it really showed in inches. Never again do I want to be my high school weight. There are so many things about this program that are so amazing. It is obvious that Amy spends a LOT of time answering each of the weekly check ins and assessing where you are at and what you need to do to get to the next level. I actually look at myself in the mirror now and know how much I can accomplish and how far I have come. Amy has been the most supportive, kind, caring and compassionate cheerleader to me even just through emails. I am pleased with my results and loved how easy to follow the program was. I really hope that this testimonial might help some of you out there who cannot workout as rigorously or frequently, or if you might be discouraged for any reason. I decided to take off all pressure of timelines and check-ins and start the program again slowly. I 100% believe I achieved these goals, my starting weight was 144lbs and my current weight is 125. DAMY has shown me a new way to look at myself and love myself for who I am and what I work for. DAMY has helped me over my weariness of the food processor. All the recipes were perfect for the whole family to enjoy. I now look at myself with more confidence and pride. I have developed the habit of prepping my meals every night so they are ready for the next day, as opposed to the past when all I may have had was a cup of coffee for breakfast and then dinner. Amy is upbeat and has such energy she keeps me on track. My goal is to help encourage and support each other. After having tried other clean diets with some success, I was ready to take it to the next level. The food was really good, and so filling. I loved that Amy posted on Facebook most days. I have lost 51 pounds on the DAMY Method program. I feel ready and motivated to start the new year off on the right foot. I have a stash in the freezer at work and enjoy one everyday. This is why I am so passionate about my program. I feel confident, strong and capable of doing anything I put my mind to. I finished January either the same weight or 1 lb more (which was pretty good for endless dinners, and drinks receptions) and decided to go back to DAMY bikini plan (the first 4 weeks) as soon as I had completed another goal: finishing Tough Mudder. I took things into my own hands and through exercise and food logs I lost 98lbs and dropped to a size 4 over 6 years. If I kept going back, obviously something was attracting me to it. My body fat percent as well as how fit and healthy I FEEL and look. The daily motivational emails are so wonderful as well, as are having all your workouts laid out for you. I can make the SAME meal for my whole family and enjoy it with them together. Unfortunately, I only made it 6 weeks at my first attempt on the Bikini Body Program. Before the Bikini Body Program, I wanted to start an exercise plan but had no idea where to start. I tell them that I am not on any diet, this is how we eat. She told me to give it one week and then let her know what I thought. I have more energy, I feel better about myself and I have a better attitude towards everything. I am not perfect, as sometimes I still get sick (or get INSANE cravings) but I am doing well. I will not lie, at first I was angry with the plan because I did not feel like I could cook or bake any more, which was what made me happy and content. My arms are lean and my body is much more slender. DAMY Health provided EXACTLY what I needed to achieve my physical, mental and spiritual goals for the rest of my life. Life can be negative and full of obstruction, but if Amy has taught me anything, it is that you can always find the light in the darkness. So grateful for the plan, the exercises, the food and the support. My body has changed really dramatically in the past year, but it was this past 3 months where I saw a change in my body that I never thought I would see. All that time I spent bashing myself, wearing the same thing every day because nothing else fit and hating myself for it, avoiding mirrors, avoiding people, has been replaced with this positive energy. I never think about food anymore or feel like I am dieting, I love the kitchen creativity and flexibility I have with food choices. Amy you are an amazing person who I can honestly say has helped so much in positive changes in me. I dreaded taking my initial pictures for the program. I made the wedding, was a size 2-4 and thought things were great. I know what this program can do for you and want to share it with the world. I had been following DAMY Health on facebook and liked what I saw. And that will be the fuel for the next 8 weeks. Many of the daily quotes resonated with me and were just what I needed. My husband begged me to come off it when my hands and lips literally turned blue. Although I did not have a significant amount of weight to lose, I had plenty of room for tightening and toning. In the past I have weighed less than I do now, but I have never felt I look better. I love being part of DAMY because it empowers me, and inspires me to be my best. I was now in a tight size 8 and could have comfortably been wearing a size 10. While trying to keep up 4 days weights and 3-4 days cardio. Amy has changed my life from good to AMAZING. I know it is not a normal measurement to take but I wanted to see the results on my lower abdomen as that is where I needed to tighten post partum and I lost over 2 inches and it tightened my lower abdomen back to normal. I hope these tips help you in creating your perfect weight loss binder. I hope to lose approximately 10 lbs to be at a weight of 130lbs by 01 Jan 2012. My husband loved how chilled I was, how delicious the food I was making was (he cannot get enough of the DAMY lasagna nor the pumpkin bake) and how we could eat together again. No more negative self talk, what you believe about yourself manifests in the world around you. I lost about an inch in my stomach and thighs. My butt is firming up and my arms are sculpted. I used to have big legs, now they look leaner and more muscular). UP tracks your deep and light sleep levels, as well as how many times you wake up during the night. I used to stuff myself with junk when I was sad, angry or bored. I felt like I had so many choices and I found that planning my meals and making enough for leftovers made it so much easier to stay on track. When I started the bikini body program I was 12 weeks post partum after having my second child. I never felt hungry, and the food that I was eating was so nutritionally dense. I recently came in 40th out of 250 women in a bike race. Also, having a structure was super helpful for me as was having recipes at the ready. My complexion cleared up and I just felt a lot better about myself. I tell my husband all the time that going to the gym in the morning just makes my day. I love the meal plan, the exercise, the feedback from the coaches and the uplifting emails and quotes. Your weight loss binder is going to be your best friend throughout this process. I wanted to feel grateful for the ability to get healthy and exercise. DAMY has helped me to be on focus and more organized than ever before. When I started DAMY I was 250 and the end of the 16 week program I weighed 199. I am a compulsive eater, I eat with my emotions all the time. I was used to working out 1. I am confident, calm and inspired and so very grateful every day. The app is available for your iPhone and iPad. I am able to do my workouts 6 days a week. I love her positivity, always gives me a boost. For me it was a lot harder deciding to do something about my health, and actually getting started, than it was going through the process of getting healthier. One of the biggest things I like was you guided but in the end I had to chose what was going to work, you never tried to force anything on me, always answered my emails quickly and your prices of your programs are exceptionally fair. One thing I wanted to say to you that I forgot last week: When I uploaded the pictures and compare them to how I feel and look now, I never felt I looked that heavy. My husband has even commented on the confidence in which I carry myself with now. I pray that you continue to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals. How could I NOT want to live, eat, workout this way. I signed up for the Bikini Body Program that weekend and the next 12 weeks was nothing but great results. I ate them plentifully, but ate the right ones. I am so grateful to DAMY for helping me bring healthy back to my life, for their support and their expertise. I lost 13 pounds, 9 total body inches and have an incredible amount of energy. More importantly, I wanted to stop judging myself and change the way I viewed my body. Having one-to-one accessibility to Amy is brilliant, she always responds in a timely manner and with very helpful information. 5% body fat when I began with DAMY Health. This binder is a symbol of so many good things in your life. I wanted to go off plan sometimes, and figure how to work this in to my everyday life. Bringing these concepts back into my life was a huge step forward, even though dusting off the measuring cups and running shoes was scary. She believes in each and every one of us and knows that we have the inner courage, strength and will to succeed. I have always wanted to compete in a fitness competition, but have never had the confidence in myself to actually do so. I never ate enough, but was obsessed with exercising: up to 3 hours a day. Her positive energy, outlook on life and health is admirable. So really know what it means to work hard and dedicate myself, mentally and physically.

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